![Paisley 2021 – [c] Jon Robson 2021 – -0066](https://paisleyprimaryschool.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/Paisley-2021-c-Jon-Robson-2021-0066-1024x681.jpg)
Safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children is everyone’s responsibility. Everyone who comes into contact with children and their families and carers has a role to play in safeguarding children.
Meet our safeguarding team:
Designated Safeguarding Lead and Child Protection Officer: Mrs Hoy
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead: Mrs Juggins
Strategic Designated Safeguarding Lead and Head of School: Mr Danson
Police – Non-emergency – 101
Hull Safeguarding Children’s Board – EHASH – 01482 448879
NSPCC – 0808 800 5000
Further information and our policy documents:
Operation Encompass
Operation Encompass is a partnership between the Police and designated school staff, known as Key Adults. Working together to safeguard children, the Police will inform the Key Adults within schools, prior to the start of the school day, about any domestic abuse incident the child or young person has been present at or exposed to.

All documents are available in printed format from the school office: